Innovation is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration, Edison once said.
But it doesn't work without good ideas. I help to find ideas, evaluate them, involve the consumer and oversee their implementation. It is important that the innovation team understands and internalizes the direction (or strategy) of the company in order to work in the right direction.
An analysis of the situation in your company and targeted steps will get the innovation engine running.
You have a senior position in research and development of consumer goods and would like to fill it quickly and for a limited period of time. I am happy to make my experience in managing various teams in different regions available to give you some breathing space.
First of all: I am not a patent attorney. However, with more than 100 patent applications as a co-inventor, I have a lot of experience, especially in working with patent attorneys and the associated critical steps in conveying the development (novelty and inventive step). Other areas include raising employee awareness of patenting ideas, safely commercializing new products without infringing on others' patents, and creating long-term patent strategies.